Saturday, July 3, 2010

Would we know if a really high mode person was born?

We have had a number of heated and interesting conversations about how we would know if a really high potential individual was on earth... For those of you who know my work (and that of Elliott Jaques) I am talking about individuals who could operate at the level of a universal genius - in Jaques terms Sixth Order of Information.

Just as context; ordinary people live out their world of work in the Third Order of Information, in Work Levels I-IV which equates with Growth Modes I - IV. They can leave legacies in the work place that can span years. Exceptional Individuals are those that leave legacies that can last decades, and encompass Work Levels V - VIII and Growth Modes V to VIIII. These people process information in the Fourth Order of Information. CEOs of major international companies work at Level VII and great contributors to society like Muhammad Yunus and Nelson Mandela operate at the top end of the Fourth and Fifth Order of Information.

So that gives you an idea of how special a Sixth Order person may be... the question is would they be heard in all the babble of the modern world and if they could what would they be like?