This is the blog of Andrew Olivier - I enjoy networking with people who have interesting stories, adventures & who want to add value to life. I am interested in how we can and do make small changes and what they are, in our strive towards lighter footprints. I am interested in connecting with others who share an interest in a different future and who are (or who are thinking about) making changes in how they live, create, commute, consume and work.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Good to hear you are back in town... sounds an insightful journey.. I must apologies for the delay in replying but I am writing full time and the day goes past in a blur of writing fever, domestic chores and the dad role.
Re a quick comment on your trip; it sounds wonderful and you are clearly inspired. Inspiration, passion, your compelling vision are at the foundations of your purpose, but you are going to
need lots of stubborn persistence and then some more. As you say, efforts like this and those by Ken et al are challenging paths and funding is a big challenge - almost always. You will need to try and leverage all your clients.
Thank you for taking the time to write this all down - I hope it is part of your journalling? I was involved with Spiral Dynamics a very long time ago and have kept an interest in this field,
but its practical applications have always eluded me. Love the theory!
I remember Don Beck saying Ken Wilber had become very interested in the work and reading your notes, Ken must have changed his version of Becks/ Graves model re his colour coding - . Are you familiar with the Spirals Dynamics version? Did you discuss the shift between group and individual value systems ? Dawkins called the values memes and which I think fits really well...
I see you were in Denver - I attended a Strategy of the Dolphin Workshop in that city and that is where i first became involved with Spiral Dynamics. I then worked separately with Don Beck and Dudley Lynch to introduce Spirals to South Africa. Strategy of the Dolphin is an interesting little book and took me a great adventure in what seems another life. Don did some amazing spiral analysis in South Africa at the end of Apartheid, which he published in a book called The Crucible.
Anyhow, good to hear they are doing something to use it in the fight against poverty but not sure how. - there are almost 7 billion people on the planet, and 65% of them live in Asia - and those
societies cover the full spectrum of the value systems, but the vast majority are, like Africa, Eurasia and South America, driven by the older value systems of purple (kinship), red (power)
and ruled by a thin line of blue and now driven by a low orange commercialism (achievement, performance, short term gain) which is why climate change is such a danger.
Green has I agree, come back refreshed, but does not have the global appeal or power to make the changes needed. I don't think there is any real evidence of a big global shift on the cards as much as some would wish it. I am always concerned that many Americans and first world thinkers (Green evolved) see the world from value systems that has lost touch with the nitty gritty power of the old values systems and how market capitalism has been shifting global populations to a low orange need driven meme as they escape the poverty trap (eg profileration of cars/bicycles, consumer goods /energy demand).
I have just read a brochure for a Future Trends conference in the US and it is again driven by Orange - there is no awareness that over the next fifty years the world is going to be very uncomfortable and unstable and business and society will change irrevocably.
There was no or little mention on how we will need to shift our value systems to Yellow and Turquoise, and make the connections with other "wrap around" meta theories, (which is what I think integral means) so that we replace the old models that have sustained us in a kind gentle Holocene Age where we had room to move and play. Unfortunately, like unaware adolescents we have negatively impacted the Holocene (which should have continued for at least another 2,000 years) so that we will now be living in a different Earth, an Earth that is moving against its viral infection. Us.
Good book to read is Eaarth.. how our planet is now longer Earth.
Sorry, longer then I anticipated. Good luck with the future, please keep me informed. Part of my personal plan is cutting down my carbon print so only making trips when absolutely have to.. I will however let you know when I am in town as our "Found" project opens for applications 31 July - end October.
with a warm hug and good wishes on your venture
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Would we know if a really high mode person was born?
Just as context; ordinary people live out their world of work in the Third Order of Information, in Work Levels I-IV which equates with Growth Modes I - IV. They can leave legacies in the work place that can span years. Exceptional Individuals are those that leave legacies that can last decades, and encompass Work Levels V - VIII and Growth Modes V to VIIII. These people process information in the Fourth Order of Information. CEOs of major international companies work at Level VII and great contributors to society like Muhammad Yunus and Nelson Mandela operate at the top end of the Fourth and Fifth Order of Information.
So that gives you an idea of how special a Sixth Order person may be... the question is would they be heard in all the babble of the modern world and if they could what would they be like?
Saturday, April 24, 2010
The Found Project in Australia - the pilot project
If you are reading this you are likely to have achieved
Potential actualised,
(At least to this point…)
But consider if you were not born where you were born.
If you did not have security, love, encouragement and belief in you
Easy access to credit and opportunities taken as a right….
Where would you be?
What would you be doing?
Who would help you?
“Found” is a project to reach out to those who are poor, disadvantaged and maybe at risk
But are high potential individuals who with development and empowerment could reach out and help others
Maybe someone like you might have been?
Update May 2010 -
The Commonwealth Bank of Australia have joined as a partner for the pilot project of "Found"
Here is our latest update which I sent out in late April 2010 to Friends, Colleagues and Subscribers
Time crawls for my teenage daughter – it takes years and years to get from thirteen to fourteen while for most of us time becomes ever more fleeting with each passing year….Well, time is doing that thing with “Found” and I thought it may be time for a brief Update and a Synopsis of the project..
“Found” arose from a Working Journey analysis I did with Prof Muhammad Yunus and is a spinoff from a plan to introduce Dr Elliott Jaques human capability concepts to successful micro entrepreneurs in developing regions with cognitive potential to perform at higher levels of work.
The idea is to identify young high potential individuals (which we do accurately and predictively ) and offer them rapid business development to grow their own small business; work in public and private partnerships (such as in Prof Yunus’s social businesses industry ) or take up management traineeships within corporate employ. I plan to go to Bangladesh later this year and am very excited about this opportunity.
High Potential is a sought after commodity and such people power change, growth and renewal. If we can identify and provide rapid development to people who can make a difference to others, we can potentially leverage people from poverty by deploying our human capital more effectively and in less time. We can make disadvantaged high potentials effective
“Found” is an Australian pilot project to identify 20 “at risk or potentially at risk” candidates from a pool of some 200 candidates. I don’t know if we will find these high potentials in a developed first world country so a question mark hangs over whether such a talent pool exists. A key selection criteria is being comfortable processing information “cumulatively” (=Work Level IIS). Other criteria are between 18-25 years of age, out of school for one or two years. not studying, not employed full time, live in Melbourne and able to travel to (our partner) Diamond Valley Learning Centre (DVLC). DVLC will provide infrastructure and learning support to the candidates.
If successful and the first phase of the project works effectively, we will look for government and corporate support to start a second project, particularly the assessment phase, which I am personally sponsoring.
Ok, so finally the update...
• A low key public appearance of “Found” at a career expo (more of a trade fair) was not very encouraging as none of our target market was present.
• This made us determined to create a network that would identify possible candidates for us. As a result Kate Schanknecht (Manager DVLC) and I met with Alex Todorovski who has agreed that Sarino Russo will assist us identify potential candidates for assessment. Alex was very supportive with lots of good ideas - Thanks Alex.
• Estelle Olstein, Diversity Manager at Woolworths Corporate will also be activating her network to search for potential candidates. Woolworths HR Director Kim Schmidt has been very encouraging and has offered to take onboard our candidates as management trainees. Thanks Estelle and Kim.
• Kate will be meeting with Melbourne City Mission. MCM started the “Slingshot” programme to assist young budding entrepreneurs who could not get onto the NEIS Government programme.
• Ann Sherry. CEO of Carnival Lines and a “Found” supporter introduced me to Nicole Endicott, CEO of Activate Australia. Nicole and I will continue discussions on cooperation.
• We are staring to work on a customised pre employment learning programme at DVLD and Graham Tootel, will be putting the programme together. We plan on preparing our “Found” candidates prior to introducing them to corporate. This will include networking evenings with mentors and role models. DVLC will offer customised courses to give them an understanding of how business work (small business management, computer skills, business book keeping, assertiveness & communication skills, anger management {one of the toxins of underutilisation and powerless is anger}), with electives in HR, Retail and Medical and I will offer a Requisite Front Line Manager’s introduction.
• In order to build resilience Verena MacLean from The Working Journey is in South Africa training as a facilitator in the programme “Dependable Strengths” , a programme aimed at instilling confidence and job attractiveness for youth at risk (South Africa has an unemployment figure set conservatively at 23% in 2007). This programme has been used very effectively in helping youngsters move towards living a productive and socially responsible life and in getting work. We will offer this programme broadly within Australia.
• Thanks to Complexity Metrics allowing us to use their method for identifying potential and also to BIOSS International for support. Both methods are solidly grounded in the work of Dr Jaques.
• I am having discussions with two new financials services sector organisations about taking on between 1 -5 of our candidates into their front line management development programmes. I will broaden these discussions once we know we have a talent pool to work with. Our programme will deliver potential, as astute organisations realise.
So, how can you help?
We are not looking for financial assistance now, but welcome discussions with Organisations who would be willing to employ one or two of our candidates in a management development programme and who have the will to give them the support to succeed. High potential individuals don’t need much, but they do need solid bedrock.
Also, if you are in an Organisation that has contact with young adults and feel you can nominate some names that would be great. This email has been addressed directly to stakeholders and to people within my network. Please feel free to forward it to others who may be interested. Many thanks for reading and please contact me if you wish to be involved, either in the Australian or in Bangladesh
Andrew Olivier
+61 (0)438 406 261 *
Andrew@theworkingjourney.com & www.workcomplexity.com
Diamond Valley Learning Centre “Found” –
Dependable Strengths – the head office is in Washington and there is also a South African operaton.
Slingshot – Melbourne City Mission and Dusseldorp Skills Foundation
Activate Australia -
The Working Journey of Muhammad Yunus – (you will need to join Global Organisation, but it is free and offers lots of resources on Elliott Jaques
The Yunus Centre and Social Business – this site gives examples of work in progress.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Working Journey Journal
Hi All
2 June
What a lot of water under the bridge in a short space of time. Life is about opportunities, doing something different, taking a risk.. we hear this all the time but its is true. Its so painfully short.
Sold the gallery, what a relief... enjoyed the art but I should practise what I preach. A commercial art gallery is solidly positioned in low level II, with an overwhelming load in Level I details, from consignment notes to organising exhibitions to dealing with freight etc. The low II part is specialist knowledge and working with an exhibition programme that runs a year out..
Balance is also important, yesterday morning I did a rare thing, I went surfing. I was the only one out on a crisp clear and cold Tasmanian morning. The waves were fairly small, but glassy, cold and formed up into a neat peak that wrapped off down the beach. Wonderful! I had a few really good rides. Then had a run to warm up and cooked some food on an open fire... its important to take time to balance the journey... Let me say now, there will be more time for this..
Now its back to work again, doing it the way I value. I am working on Richard Bransons' Working Journey and the draft needs to be finished this Friday to send off to him. Its been almost a year in writing and is about 26 pages. What a wonderful story and his current level of capability is the most interesting I think; having form Virgin Galactic, The Spaceship Company, the Elders (Yunus, Mandela etc) and finding bio fuels for travel; setting up the war room for Global Warming.. I am very lucky to do this work...
Richard's story forms part of my new book; part I is fiction about a legendary person and part II is giving the facts and Journeys of all the people who make cameo appearances in part I..
"Found" is the other thing I am busy with and have had discussions in India and elsewhere... Commonwealth Bank has joined which is great news and I am planning on doing a roadshow. I hope to go to Bangladesh and India in September to further the project for high potential micro-entrepreneurs..
6 April -
If you post a comment, please let me know how well you remember your ;
(a) grandparents and (b) your great grand parents.
Rate it on a scale for each of 1 -5 (1, little memory, 5 vivid recall)
Also, (c) do you have a recorded uptodate family history. YES / NO
Have been wading through reading this weekend and feeling a sad... with one colleague dead from an unexpected heart attack and an old friend diagnosed with cancer and looking at a serious op ahead I have been considering what was their / my legacy??
It has made me go back to my unfinished book about "Legacy"
What sort of legacy will you leave behind if you died today? How would people remember you? Why? For what? What would happen to your memory after the three generation nexus (parent - child - grandchild) has passed and those in your immediate sphere of influence were no more? If you have no kids and are introverted, maybe only one generation or two will remember you....
You may answer you don't care and that would be right but consider this... we live on the legacy of anonymous tens of millions who have incrementally built our societies. Some have risen above the crowd and made a mark through an invention, an institution, an artistic expression. Some create a new industry with new languages and symbols. Why? It takes me back to the whole capability equation and why it is really very few of us who can leave a legacy that extends past the three generation nexus.
So what I am reading as I return to pick up the quill for my book?
Richard Branson's empire
The Legacy of Ghandi - 125 years later....
Surviving Toxic Parents and putting the pieces together
Nobel Prize Winners
If you are interested in this topic of Legacy let me know....
26 March -
Art: Anyone popping into Hobart as one does? Well, getting ready for a great new show coming up at the gallery. The gallery is forty years old and this is its first photographic show. http://www.salamancacollection.com.au/
PhD update. Investigating PhD at University of Sydney with someone a potentially great supervisor from Deakin University. I just read a proposal for accelerated management development from a leading service provider and it was the most confused set of offerings with the levels of work all over the place, management competencies mixed with executive competencies and promising to take people from the equivalent of Level III to Level V in one year!! Frightening that the have market share... !!
Capability Reporting; Did you get my Enews no 6? http://www.workcomplexity.com/ The "Guess Who" was in fact Osama bin Laden and he is likely Mode VII if we go by the fact at age of 31 he had build up a coordinating organisation for terrorism, had an organisation in place that spanned multiple countries and was served by a bureaucracy. Just look at what his Dad did, who was illiterate....
And well done Tim Beresford.. he is going to work for the PMs office and will be looking at Health reform. EJ was used in British National Health, Nursing in Canada and the Surgeon General in the USA.
Client Service Report; My son totalled his car and QBE paid out effectively and efficiently. I have our house insured with CGU and after heavy rains (annnual records last year) we had cracks appear around our door from slippage and while this is clearly in the policy, CGU refused to pay. I declared a dispute and they sent an engineer. One month later I had to follow up with them. Client Service?? You judge.
20 March - back in Australia, sitting in the lounge waiting for connecting flight - Verena tells me she has been chatting with colleagues in South America about doing some work there later this year, which would be wonderful. I really enjoyed our visit there in November, when we presented a paper and attended the 3rd Global Conference. A very interesting continent, went to Peru, Bolivia and Argentina. We found the history fascinating and the people very friendly. Broadband was free in all the hotels unlike the ripoff in Australian hotels where they charge you outrageous prices.
I was struck by how many of us there are in the world and how unsustainable we are. We have been compared to a very successful virus...
Jaques work has a long history in Argentina and it was wonderful to hear the stories. Did you know that the Institute of Technology in BA requires all final year engineering students to do a semester course in RO?
Ian Stone, CEO of RAA will be talking to group of CEOs at the Council for Economic Development of Australia on the RO work we have been doing.. I was going to join him, but we cant do a double act in an hour... great opportunity to spread the work
18 March... still in New Zealand - had my first interview with a head hunter in almost twenty years, good fun, had a laugh and told her I am unemployable in a corporate setting, so maybe not a good candidate!!
Had word from Kate, that "Found" (programme for developing at risk youth with potential) will benefit from Sir John Whitmore and a tea and chat on education and coaching at the Diamond Valley Learning Centre in Melbourne end of March.. for detail on Found, go to Diamond Valley Learning Centre and www.workcomplexity.com
Almost 100% replies on requests sent to selected CEOs on Phd topic.
cheers for now
Sunday, March 14, 2010
PhD Topic
I sent the following email out to a number of people regarding doing a PhD and had a number of interesting responses from CEO's, academics, consultants and friends. Below is my original email asking for comments...
I am in the process of thinking about a PhD and weighing up some options for a suitable topic. I would value your insights, knowledge and experience on this matter. What do you think would be a valuable research topic? I have considered the issue listed below and wonder what your feelings are around it, or do you feel some other area may be of greater value? As my work has largely centered on the model and practices of Elliot Jaques, I would use this as a base and create a body of work relative to current day issues.
I am interested in executive teams and their effectiveness, specifically in the formulation and execution of longer term strategy. This would entail an understanding of the level of work; their capability, authority and accountability and times span of completion of work as well as the impact of the strategy.
My proposal is to test the supposition that the sum total of effectiveness of an executive team to deliver on strategy is dependent on level of work; their capability (and the exercise of discretion in judgment), authority and accountability and times span of completion of work being requisite.
If this set of suppositions are if in place is it a reliable predictor of an executive team to deliver on its strategy (longer term strategic). The test would be how much of an executive team's
effectiveness rests on the requisite level of work being present, the requisite accountabilities and authorities allocated and that the team has the capability to execute on the agreed strategy.
Due to the nature of the research historical case studies would need to be examined and for this purpose Australian (and possibly selected South African) case studies would be selected. A source of case studies is "Reaching Up from Down Under" by Doug Stace and "Westpac, the Bank that Broke the Bank" as well as some recent publication about Qantas.
Within these sources, a number of organisations have used Elliott Jaques work in various guises and for different lengths of time.
However, this is only one option is a veritable sea of abundance. Do you have any suggestions or ideas?
Please note, if u want to add a comment, you are most welcome, SCROLL to bottom of document and click on comments....
Dear Andrew, thanks for your confidence in me.
I hope I can live up to it… Research on RO is always in my mind, and over the years I have thought of several initiatives (including now), but so far they have not materialized.
On one hand, I think it is crucial to extend research on RO topics, and on the other hand I am rather daunted by the difficulties involved. When I received your note, I told myself “All I have is doubts. What can I tell Andrew that may be of use to him?” An I feared that if I tried to tell you something in response to this questions months might pass, and then maybe be I would abandon the attempt altogether. Not good. So I thought a much better option is to share my doubts and concerns with you.
One alternative is to replicate “classical” research on RO. I mean by this things like time-span and stratification, fair felt pay, stratification and “mental processes”, etc. The advantage is the number of variables is limited and fairly under control. On the other hand, this would appeal mostly to academics (hopefully!) and to researchers, not so much to potential users or thinkers in other fields. And this is before any considerations on resources required, access to organizations that will support your research in them, etc.
Another alternative is pursuing broader research objectives, related to the value-adding potential of RO in organizations in society. I think this is more in line with what you mention in your note.
We already have many of these. In my mind, Elliott’s account of the Commonwealth Industries Case in chapter 17 of Social Power & the CEO is a leading example. And there are several others, including those you mention and that are new to me.
I have two kinds of doubts about this approach. The first is, do we need to keep adding new cases to the list? Of course, I am speaking from the point of view of diffusion of RO, not of that of complying with requisites for a Ph. degree, which may be your primary interest. And the second is, it is not really possible to isolate variables completely. Elliott clearly acknowledges this in the Commonwealth case.
I have a strong hunch there is a way out of this, but I don’t yet know what it is. For the time being, as I said above, all I can do is share my doubts.
Please send my regards to Verena.
Dear Andrew,
Be glad to share my thoughts on a PhD with you.
There have been several unfortunate incidents where a student wanted to study this theory but was unable to find a friendly academic sponsor. Given the continuing hostility of academics to this theory, this is not a trivial consideration. I suspect finding a friendly sponsor is more of a key to successfully completing a PhD than a great topic. Many academics view RO theory as a threat. (Actually, it is.)
I completed and published the latest version of the Bibliography in Aug. 2009 and found 90 PhDs. A number of them were done in AU. Also, a good number of the 239 Related PhDs were done there as well. (If you search on 'Australia' from the top of the PhD list, I think you will find them.) [From the sponsors/ advisors you can compile a list of 'friendly academics.' Some of the PhD graduates also can give you insights on the programs. Also, some have stayed on as academics themselves
Since the original academic rejection of this theory was on the basis of lack of valid research, it may be wise of you to draw up a list of readings/sources that you will draw on to do your research. (At least a tentative list.) The items you mentioned are a good start. At some point in the process the academics will require this list anyway.)
Since I am not 'on the ground' most of my sources there and in South Africa are second-hand. I am sure I have missed many sources and they never made it into the Biblio. (I'd love to see your lists of publications and firms when you draw them up.)
A good amount of literature on TMTs (top management teams) has been done. You might look at the articles by Donald Hambrick as co-author to get a sense of the best of them. (His use of 'discretion' is very different from Elliott's.)
Don't be surprised if you have to abandon some of the best research by current academics. Many of them have done studies that are worthless. Just quietly bypass them. Show that you have read them and mastered the topic. Find what good you can use. Then move on. Don't be surprised at how few valid results they have to offer.
When you think through your topic (I am aware I have not addressed your main issue yet), think of it as a published book that will come out about 5 years from now. What will TMTs and their selectors (Boards) be interested in then? (What will the customer be willing to pay for? Both in a book and in consulting services. Ask publishers!)
By the way, does the PhD have a time-of-year application deadline there? (For example, in the US it is September of each year.)
That's it for now. Hope this has been helpful and hope to hear from you soon.
My best.
I would like to have a chat about this. It looks an interesting topic. My question
are around things like;
- what does success for a team look like?
- how do external factors impact upon success and how do you eliminate these
?- do you need to compare teams in the same industry in the same market at the same
time. Etc
I am not an expert on research in this area – it’s very different from the more quantitative and experimental stuff that science does – but what I do see more and more is the effect of unplanned (global, external) events on strategy… i.e. capability and strategy are one thing but Rumsfeld’s “unknown, unknowns” are quite another and an increasing fact of life.
So my email to you about governance and risk – and emerging risks – is relevant here, as is innovation….. to be successful in this postmodern world now involves being strategic and nimble – if that isn’t an oxymoron! – and thinking in new ways about business models (viz the fascinating battle underway between the newspapers, the (now) mainstream electronic media (Murdoch) and the new wave (Google, Facebook, Twitter etc).
So in a way I would say that your proposed topic is not sufficiently forward looking. Didn’t we have an email exchange a way back along the lines that Elliott’s work is now a bit passé – and more fitted to modernism’s certainties and highly structured institutions? Aren’t we now having to be flatter and more nimble, more trans-disciplinary as we look for new business models and opportunities?
To be more forward looking would be to try to envisage how those ideas might be developed in a world of global change, of low C economies and of asymmetric relationships/warfare. Globalisation has changed to a more fluid concept – just look at the way iron ore pricing is changing for BHP; from agreed long term contracts to spot pricing which can change even while the ship is at sea between WA and China! Energy costs now run on 10 min spot prices….. markets are changing.
Big corporations now operate in a different world – one in which it is going to be more and more difficult to define what “effectiveness” means. In my experience there’s a world of difference now between lumbering big corporations and the rapid innovation of start-ups. Indeed, big corporations don’t actually know how to radically and quickly change their business models, if they want to innovate they buy a profitable start up! Murdoch again. If we’re to make it through the next 50 yrs it’s radical innovation we actually need.
Viz your quote “The test would be how much of an executive team's effectiveness rests on the requisite level of work being present, the requisite accountabilities and authorities allocated and that the team has the capability to execute on the agreed strategy.” This whole thing is surely going to be jerked around over time? So what is effectiveness in a new world? e.g. was General Motors effective, Toyota? (I am fascinated by the speed of innovation and change in the automobile design business here in Europe – much faster (and therefore technologically advanced and more fuel efficient) that the USA and Japan.
So in a more complex world risks change and emerging trends lean more towards systemic risks around population, water, food, climate, resources – and their interactions. What is the corporation of tomorrow going to look like and what skills, capabilities and accountabilities will it need? I’ve enjoyed reading the likes of Handy more than Jacques.
So I’d like to see you take a bolder step – don’t just test Elliott’s concepts, consider them as a past effort at understanding how people and institutions worked in a different world. What’s the story for tomorrow’s complex and changing world?
PhDs should be at the forefront of thought, brave and innovative. It’s time to move on – use what you know as a springboard for new concepts – and new business opportunities. From where I sit people need help just coping with change at the moment. We need new ways to conceptualise the emerging problems and respond to increasing rates of change. That would really be a contribution worthy of a PhD.
Hope this helps
Dear Andrew
Good to hear from you - I hope you are well. I think that the topic that you suggest is very interesting and would form a good basis for a PhD dissertation. From my point of view, high performing teams display a number of the characteristics you outline and certainly levels of capacity, authority and accountability are integral to their success. I would also be interested in how much of this is intuitive to individuals ("birds of a feather flock together") and how much is down to organisational design, discipline and the leadership direction provided.
I'm happy to have a discussion with you about this
M. CEO. AUSTRALIA (Posted 16/03)
Hi Andrew,
Lovely to hearfrom you as always and have been contemplating your message during the day.
I really think you should go for it as you've described. My main suggestion though is that somehow within the 'catch all' of capabilty somehow you include the issue of self awareness - for want of a better description and I'm sure there are better ones. As I've deliberated over ET effectiveness particularly in the last 5 years or so, it seems more and more to me that there's an equation, or a puzzle that has its root at capability to deliver strategy - based or foundational upon levels of work and exercise of discretion - but unable to be whole without the executive's ability to understand themsleves and their impact.
You can do very well as a team up to a point with personal ability to deal with complexity, roles at right level - but you can't complete the circle without the awareness part - or at least you can only reach a certain level of high performance, not outstanding performance. I'd love to talk this out further with you in person because I'm sure I'm not being highly articulate here! I've been working very closely with the executive team now for the last 6 months, and seeing how these parts come together - it's quite fascinating. Let me know when you;re next around.
Happy to talk further in need! Let me know how you get on whatever you decide. I think a PhD is definitely in order.
From L. Snr Manager Australia
Hi Andrew,
good to hear from you, and I am very pleased to hear you are seriously considering a PhD.
I've never claimed to be an expert on SST, ROT or Jaques, but given that most management academics are completely ignorant of such matters, I guess I'm ahead of the pack in that regard. Acknowledging my own limitations, however, I am happy to provide some general thoughts on your rough proposal.
I guess my first suggestion would be to be very cautious about claiming to be able to 'test' or 'prove' the efficacy of any management theory. The difficulty is that, unlike the physical sciences, in the area of social science, where management lies, it is very difficult to make claims about the impact of any one factor or set of factors, when there are a myriad of variables impacting on executive performance.
My suggestion would be that the areas you intend to examine - time span, capability, authority and accountability - are very worthwhile indeed, and a deep examination of these issues through a series of case studies would make a marvelous doctoral thesis. To what degree such cases would actually 'test' RO theory is perhaps a bit more problematic. At the very least, however, it would provide an opportunity for a close analysis and would certainly constitute a worthy addition to our body of knowledge in this, much ignored, area of management theory.
Depending on your access to these organisations, you might wish to also examine the barriers or difficulties faced in trying to implement such an organisational model 'out of left field'.
Fundamentally, my suggestion would be to have a general area you wish to examine and to fine tune the actual question, as you proceed with your research. Which ever way you decide to proceed, you will need to devote a lot of time situating Jaques' theory amongst modern organisational theory. This will be crucial for convincing your ultimate examiners of the 'worth' of the Jaquesian model. Otherwise, you run the risk of examiners saying that the results could just as easily be explained by other management practices/theories.
I hope that is of some use to you, but I would be happy to meet over a coffee to talk it through further any time which suits.
Cheers B. Academic. Australia
Dear Andrew - My first impressions;
I like it. There is something very important about the power of teams. And the dark side of what potential is missed when such teams fail. So the topis is very important.
It seems to miss a dynamic piece - ie levels of work etc seems assessable. But what of behaviours? What of learning It may be a team that fires as a team can outperform one of higher potential. ie the interplay between potential and performance. Or maybe capability/level of work etc is what gives a team the ability to have the right dynamics?
It would be really useful if it included a field guide - how to get to the state of the high performing team - ie not just this exec team worked b/c.......and this team didn't b/c they had.......The question on my mind would be how do I take an existing business and work with it to achieve a high potential executive team that is performing to that potential - what do you do? what conversations? what changes?
I'll have a deeper read but these my first impressions
A: Snr Manager Australia
Hi Andrew
it may be difficult to do this since you will need to essentially piece together teams historically. It may be easier to select three new teams with strategies – one who have RO in place and one who dont and one who have other documentated managment theoires in place...?
I think the uncertainties in the market are so great even the best strategies get distorted with time...
Good thesis... cheers.
Good to hear from you. Challenging theme and in my view I would agree with you, but defining organisational success and then measuring it is a huge issue. Secondly, in my view there are other factors that you haven't mentioned that which are also important, some extraneous... eg Economic conditions, free markets, subsidized competitors, corruption, team dynamics and personalities, execution and pragmatism, to mention a few.
I would also focus on global companies which need greater capability - Citibank, HSBC, Alliance, Deutsche Bank, BHP, BP, Exxon, Shell, Qantas, Singapore Airlines, Singapore (as a country)
My apologies for not responding sooner been have been in Thailand at JV Board meeting.
My initial reaction to your proposal is one of endorsement , it would make a very good piece of work and I would encourage you to proceed down this pathway.
Measuring success of Executive teams will be a challenge in itself as we have seen many failures over time but in the initial phases looked good and with extremely talented and experienced people in Leadership positions but after a number of years ,the strategy being followed was flawed and did not rise to the surface until times got tough. eg GM, Chrysler etc.
I wish you well in your endeavours
R – CEO, Director, Australia
Dear Andrew,
Good for you! I admire your courage to take this on at your ripe old age. I am flattered that you are interested in my view. I spend much of my working time with helping executive teams operate in a more effective manner…I have to acknowledge I am definitely projecting my own current interest, but I might look at the role of the executive team in BOTH managing the Innovation Domain of work as well as the Operations Domain. See attached small paper I wrote recently on this topic.
B Consultant. Canada.
In my opinion, as the world is moving towards financial modeling, this means that we need to be able, as a consultant in financial benefits, to show how a company
1) Can improve their Net Operating Profit After Taxes (NOPAT) / FTE performance, by
2) removing the excess layers and roles, in order to
3) value / compute what the excess is currently costing them in hard $$$ , in other words being able to calculate the cost of management structure and benchmark it with (different) financial drivers of creating shareholder value, to
4) redeploy some of the wasted compensation into NEW roles to drive innovation and growth, (which means being able to make the distinction between current and future growth indicators), to
5) create sustainable/viable companies where people can contribute in accordance to their full potential.
It is not the team that makes the difference, but the management structure set-up. Look at the NOPAT development over the last five years of a company and relate it to general measures of ‘overlaps’, ‘gaps’ ... Here you will find relationships with strategy excecution effectiveness (this is what makes the difference in growth).
(YOUR PROPOSAL ...)addresses person-role fits. In my opinion, you need to take into account three types of mismatches (person-role, person-manager and role-role). The dysfunctional effect of role-role mismatches is very often underestimated.
Your assumption is that you will find executive teams who have known a certain stability during the last years (or will have them in the next years). It will be very hard to find these ! Do not focus on the team. Focus on the organisation !
You can easily collect your own data ! Published case material is rarely covering the specific RO focus.
Consultant J. Belguim.
Nice to hear from you and fascinating work you are doing - terrific to see someone taking executive team effectiveness seriously.
Your request is probably something best handled by way of a conversation so let me know what would suit you - I am in Sydney relatively frequently.
I had dinner with XXXX recently and he spoke very well of you and the work you are doing - he mentioned some work you have done in testing underprivileged kids to determine capability and capacity. I am developing a program to find jobs for capable but disadvantaged kids and would value a chat re the work you have done.
Hope to catch up soon