Hi All
2 June
What a lot of water under the bridge in a short space of time. Life is about opportunities, doing something different, taking a risk.. we hear this all the time but its is true. Its so painfully short.
Sold the gallery, what a relief... enjoyed the art but I should practise what I preach. A commercial art gallery is solidly positioned in low level II, with an overwhelming load in Level I details, from consignment notes to organising exhibitions to dealing with freight etc. The low II part is specialist knowledge and working with an exhibition programme that runs a year out..
Balance is also important, yesterday morning I did a rare thing, I went surfing. I was the only one out on a crisp clear and cold Tasmanian morning. The waves were fairly small, but glassy, cold and formed up into a neat peak that wrapped off down the beach. Wonderful! I had a few really good rides. Then had a run to warm up and cooked some food on an open fire... its important to take time to balance the journey... Let me say now, there will be more time for this..
Now its back to work again, doing it the way I value. I am working on Richard Bransons' Working Journey and the draft needs to be finished this Friday to send off to him. Its been almost a year in writing and is about 26 pages. What a wonderful story and his current level of capability is the most interesting I think; having form Virgin Galactic, The Spaceship Company, the Elders (Yunus, Mandela etc) and finding bio fuels for travel; setting up the war room for Global Warming.. I am very lucky to do this work...
Richard's story forms part of my new book; part I is fiction about a legendary person and part II is giving the facts and Journeys of all the people who make cameo appearances in part I..
"Found" is the other thing I am busy with and have had discussions in India and elsewhere... Commonwealth Bank has joined which is great news and I am planning on doing a roadshow. I hope to go to Bangladesh and India in September to further the project for high potential micro-entrepreneurs..
6 April -
If you post a comment, please let me know how well you remember your ;
(a) grandparents and (b) your great grand parents.
Rate it on a scale for each of 1 -5 (1, little memory, 5 vivid recall)
Also, (c) do you have a recorded uptodate family history. YES / NO
Have been wading through reading this weekend and feeling a sad... with one colleague dead from an unexpected heart attack and an old friend diagnosed with cancer and looking at a serious op ahead I have been considering what was their / my legacy??
It has made me go back to my unfinished book about "Legacy"
What sort of legacy will you leave behind if you died today? How would people remember you? Why? For what? What would happen to your memory after the three generation nexus (parent - child - grandchild) has passed and those in your immediate sphere of influence were no more? If you have no kids and are introverted, maybe only one generation or two will remember you....
You may answer you don't care and that would be right but consider this... we live on the legacy of anonymous tens of millions who have incrementally built our societies. Some have risen above the crowd and made a mark through an invention, an institution, an artistic expression. Some create a new industry with new languages and symbols. Why? It takes me back to the whole capability equation and why it is really very few of us who can leave a legacy that extends past the three generation nexus.
So what I am reading as I return to pick up the quill for my book?
Richard Branson's empire
The Legacy of Ghandi - 125 years later....
Surviving Toxic Parents and putting the pieces together
Nobel Prize Winners
If you are interested in this topic of Legacy let me know....
26 March -
Art: Anyone popping into Hobart as one does? Well, getting ready for a great new show coming up at the gallery. The gallery is forty years old and this is its first photographic show. http://www.salamancacollection.com.au/
PhD update. Investigating PhD at University of Sydney with someone a potentially great supervisor from Deakin University. I just read a proposal for accelerated management development from a leading service provider and it was the most confused set of offerings with the levels of work all over the place, management competencies mixed with executive competencies and promising to take people from the equivalent of Level III to Level V in one year!! Frightening that the have market share... !!
Capability Reporting; Did you get my Enews no 6? http://www.workcomplexity.com/ The "Guess Who" was in fact Osama bin Laden and he is likely Mode VII if we go by the fact at age of 31 he had build up a coordinating organisation for terrorism, had an organisation in place that spanned multiple countries and was served by a bureaucracy. Just look at what his Dad did, who was illiterate....
And well done Tim Beresford.. he is going to work for the PMs office and will be looking at Health reform. EJ was used in British National Health, Nursing in Canada and the Surgeon General in the USA.
Client Service Report; My son totalled his car and QBE paid out effectively and efficiently. I have our house insured with CGU and after heavy rains (annnual records last year) we had cracks appear around our door from slippage and while this is clearly in the policy, CGU refused to pay. I declared a dispute and they sent an engineer. One month later I had to follow up with them. Client Service?? You judge.
20 March - back in Australia, sitting in the lounge waiting for connecting flight - Verena tells me she has been chatting with colleagues in South America about doing some work there later this year, which would be wonderful. I really enjoyed our visit there in November, when we presented a paper and attended the 3rd Global Conference. A very interesting continent, went to Peru, Bolivia and Argentina. We found the history fascinating and the people very friendly. Broadband was free in all the hotels unlike the ripoff in Australian hotels where they charge you outrageous prices.
I was struck by how many of us there are in the world and how unsustainable we are. We have been compared to a very successful virus...
Jaques work has a long history in Argentina and it was wonderful to hear the stories. Did you know that the Institute of Technology in BA requires all final year engineering students to do a semester course in RO?
Ian Stone, CEO of RAA will be talking to group of CEOs at the Council for Economic Development of Australia on the RO work we have been doing.. I was going to join him, but we cant do a double act in an hour... great opportunity to spread the work
18 March... still in New Zealand - had my first interview with a head hunter in almost twenty years, good fun, had a laugh and told her I am unemployable in a corporate setting, so maybe not a good candidate!!
Had word from Kate, that "Found" (programme for developing at risk youth with potential) will benefit from Sir John Whitmore and a tea and chat on education and coaching at the Diamond Valley Learning Centre in Melbourne end of March.. for detail on Found, go to Diamond Valley Learning Centre and www.workcomplexity.com
Almost 100% replies on requests sent to selected CEOs on Phd topic.
cheers for now
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